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Open Doors Day

2.3.2019 14.00 bis 16.00 Uhr Cooper Leg Art Residency, Estland

Anita Gratzer, Nikita Fauveau & Martyna Kosiarz 
14:00 – 15:00 Anita Gratzer photography exhibition
15:00 – 16:00 Nikita Fauveau & Martyna Kosiarz performance & exhibition opening  

You are invited to explore the residency space, experience performance, and to participate in two exhibition openings. ANITA GRATZER Anita is a photo artist from Austria, she has been in recent years, mainly visiting art residencies in Japan, Korea, and China. For her analog black-and-white photographs, she has developed photo staging style which involves Asian clothing costumes made out of calligraphy books. In the configuration of her portraits, she stages portable paper sculptures, masks, and moulages, symbiosis from beeswax and religious texts, which as knowledge prostheses offer the protagonists camouflage, protection, and chance for allegorical incarnation.
At Copper Leg Art Residency she starts her project “Zeitgeist” using on-site footage for her creation of an out of time “Wunderkammer” which serves as a basis for black-and-white analog portraits of local residents.

Rae koolimaja, Ussiaugu tee, Vaskjala 75313, Rae vald, Harjumaa, Estland
