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Florian Kühnle

Zwischendinge - Prozesse und Dynamiken zwischen Künstler, Ort und Konzept in der Praxis der ortsspezifischen Medienkunst

Beginn des PhD-Programms / Start of the PhD-Program: WS 2017 Betreuung / Supervision:
Ton Matton Recent years have produced a lot of media art that is presented not on screens or in galleries, but in actual places like on architecture, in public spaces, and the like, creating in-betweens of an actual reality and an overlayed, mediated reality. Such artworks are for example video or sound walks, public projections or media interventions.

I believe that these site-specific, spatial media artworks and designs have great potential to create meaningful places. In my artistic research process, I ask: what kind of processes and dynamics take place between an artist, the place s/he is working on, and the concept and result that comes into being through this activity? Do scientific and theoretical considerations on space and place have a relevance for developing site-specific concepts, designs or artworks? Which materials, strategies and methods can be used for this activity? Why are certains spots or sites interesting to an artist or designer, and others less?

The purpose of the research is to explore and gather these principles to make them available in an artistic way to my own practice of site-specific media installation as well as to other disciplines, especially to space-related design and art education programs. Kurz-Biographie / Short Bio
Nach einem Studium zum Diplom-Tonmeister für audiovisuelle Medien an der Filmuniversität Babelsberg schloß Florian Kühnle das Studium Kunst und Medien an der Universität der Künste Berlin als Meisterschüler ab. Anschießend arbeitete er als Art Director, Konzepter und Designer in Agenturen sowie freischaffend. Auf eine Anstellung als künstlerisch-wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Berliner Technischen Kunsthochschule folgte 2019 eine Berufung auf die Professur für Interactive Environments an der Fachhochschule Bielefeld. Weblink:
© Florian Kühnle